
ez-Tracker range associated with the ez-Track1 instrument is a True Point-Of-Care solution for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Biologics

Fast and Simple

Using the ez-Track1 will allow you to obtain reliable and accurate results for your biotherapy monitoring requests in 10 to 12 minutes depending on the parameter.


Usable with whole blood (capillary or venous), serum or even plasma, the flexibility of the ez-Tracker range will improve patient care.


Calibrated on the international standards (Infliximab and Adalimumab) of the WHO, the ez-Tracker kits offer excellent precision of the results. Time-Resolved Fluorescence technology provides high performance and very good correlation with i-Tracker and LISA TRACKER reference kits.

ez-Track1 test procedure ​

Time-Resolved Fluorescence - The principle

Time-resolved fluorescence (TRF) allows the measurement of fluorescence intensity. TRF uses a lanthanide fluorophore, such as europium. The latter emits a long fluorescence, of the order of a millisecond (conventional fluorophore emission ~ nanosecond). Therefore, excitation of the fluorophore by a pulsed light source, followed by a delay, then measurement of the signal called a “counting window”, allows the brief fluorescence (lasting only a few nanoseconds) to fade before to perform a measurement. Assays using time-resolved fluorescence achieve significantly higher signal-to-noise ratios.

ez-Tracker range

Contact us to learn more about the development of new products for the ez-Tracker range.

Reference Designation Packaging
ET 001  ez-Track1 1 instrument
ETx 002-24  ez-Tracker  Drug 24 tests
ETx 003-24 ez-Tracker  Anti-Drug Antibodies 24 tests
ETI 003T-24 ez-Tracker  Anti-Infliximab Total Ab 24 tests
ETx 002-C / ETx 003-C ez-Tracker  Drug / ADAbs Controls 2 x 1 mL
ETx 002-CAL / ETx 003-CAL ez-Tracker  Drug / ADAbs Calibrators 2 x 1 mL
x = Infliximab/ Adalimumab