Dear Sir, Madam,

It is our pleasure to welcome you on Theradiag’s website.

Since its initial public offering at the end of 2012, Theradiag has implemented a new ambitious strategy focused on the development of proprietary tests, particularly in Theranostics.

While the importance of biotherapies and their monitoring in the treatment of autoimmune diseases and cancer is increasing, our approach is fully in line with current health challenges. Our Theranostics tests represent a brand new approach to biotherapies monitoring, and is a decisive step forward in the development of bespoke and responsible treatments. Our contribution is both clinical for the patient and pharmaco-economic for the health sector.

Your support and the expertise of our teams provide us with all the necessary means to develop Theradiag both in terms of new products in house and in terms of distribution in France and abroad. We are currently committed to pursuing a partnership strategy to further accelerate the roll-out of Theradiag.

With all these efforts, our financial goal in the short term is to return to balance.

I would like to thank all of our employees and partners as well as our shareholders who trust our Company : those who have been with us since the IPO and the ones who have joined us since.

Bertrand de Castelnau, Managing Director