Versatility in auto-immunity

Logo Theralis

The only system that integrates multiplex Fidis™, immunofluorescence and ELISA to answer the needs of flexibility of your core lab.

Allowing the performance of up to 3 techniques simultaneously, Theralis brings you improved productivity, flexibility and security from the sample tube up to the patient results.


Full automation from primary sample to results.

High throughput pipetting system:

  • 4 ceramic coated needles,
  • 1 dedicated needle for IFA washing.

High loading capabilities:

  • up to 120 samples and 60 reagents on board,
  • up to 20 slides with 10 protocols in IFA,
  • up to 3 Fidis™ plates,
  • up to 3 ELISA microplates.


Theralis improves the lab workfl ow with:

  • combination of different technologies in the same run,
  • integration of ELISA microplates management,
  • Fidis™ Multi-batch : association of different multiplex profiles in the same plate.

Only one instrument to process all your auto-immunity assays.


Secured loading:

  • positive identification for samples and reagents,
  • lot data integration with 2D barcodes.

Secured results:

  • user login with assignable rights,
  • blocked results on invalid QC,
  • integrated Levey Jennings graphs,
  • LIS connection.

Optimal traceability:

  • lots,
  • users,
  • patient & QC results. Gathered and searchable with a multicriteria search.


The latest generation of software in auto-immunity.


  • One software for the whole instrument range of Theradiag in auto-immunity.
  • Multitask system.
  • Real time follow up of analysis.
  • Total traceability: reagents, users, patients and QC
  • Integrated maintenance assistants.
  • Tool for quality audit.
  • Bidirectional connection to LIS.