Croissy-Beaubourg and Montpellier, May 12, 2017 – 8:00am CET – THERADIAG (ISIN: FR0004197747, ticker: ALTER, eligible for PEA-PME equity savings plans in France), a company specializing in in vitro diagnostics and theranostics, has successfully completed a capital increase by issuing shares to a specific category of persons following an accelerated bookbuilding process. The Company has sold 1,749,563 new shares with par value of €1.70 each, at a price of €2.30 each including the issue premium, for a total amount of €4,023,994.90 and representing 20.21% of the Company’s post-transaction capital.
For reference, the interest of a shareholder owning 1% of the Company’s share capital before the issue will be reduced to 0.8% after the issue.
The funds raised will enable Theradiag to facilitate and step up its international development and the marketing of its auto-immunity, allergy and theranostics products. Michel Finance, Chief Executive Officer of Theradiag, made the following comments: “This successful capital increase strengthens our ownership structure and gives us the funds we need to launch BioCLIA® in the European market in the next few months, enabling us to step up the development of our in-vitro diagnostics business unit. We would like to thank our new shareholders for their trust and support.”
The transaction was carried out following decisions by the Board of Directors and CEO on May 11, 2017, in accordance with the authority granted by the 15th resolution approved by the Combined General Meeting of Shareholders of April 27, 2017. The issue price represented a discount of 15.6% to the volume-weighted average price in the five trading sessions before the Board’s decision.
The capital increase took place through the issue of ordinary shares without preferential subscription rights to a specific category of persons. Settlement of the shares newly issued as part of the capital increase and their admission to Euronext Paris’ Alternext Paris market are expected to take place on May 17, 2017. The new shares will rank for dividends immediately and will be admitted to trading on Alternext Paris under ISIN code FR0004197747 – ALTER. Theradiag’s share capital will be made up of 8,654,944 shares after settlement has taken place.
Post-capital increase and disposal of shares by investment funds managed by Truffle Capital, the ownership structure of the Company’s shares significantly changed. Post-transaction, HOB Capital holds 8.56% of the total capital and the free float is 91.44%.
EuroLand Corporate has advised Theradiag.
In accordance with article 211-3 of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers’ General Regulation, the offering of the Company’s shares as part of this capital increase to a specific category of persons did not give rise to a prospectus requiring a visa from the Autorité des Marchés Financiers. Detailed information about the Company, relating in particular to its business, earnings and risk factors, can be found in the Company’s annual financial report on the year ended December 31, 2016, which can be found, along with other regulated information and all of the Company’s press releases, on its website (
Next financial press release:
2017 First-half sales: Tuesday July 25, 2017
About Theradiag
Capitalizing on its expertise in the distribution, development and manufacturing of in vitro diagnostic tests, Theradiag innovates and develops theranostics tests (combining treatment and diagnosis) that measure the efficiency of biotherapies in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, cancer and AIDS. Theradiag notably markets the Lisa Tracker® range (CE marked), which is a comprehensive multiparameter theranostic solution for patients with autoimmune diseases treated with biotherapies. With its subsidiary Prestizia, Theradiag is developing new biomarkers based on microRNAs for the diagnosis and monitoring of rectal cancer, auto-immune and inflammatory diseases and HIV/AIDS. Theradiag is thus participating in the development of customized treatment, which favors the individualization of treatments, the evaluation of their efficacy and the prevention of drug resistance. The Company is based in Marne-la-Vallée, near Paris, and in Montpellier, and has over 75 employees.
For more information about Theradiag, please visit our website:
Theradiag Investor Relations Fabienne François CFO Tel.: +33 (0)1 64 62 10 12 | NewCap Financial Communications & Investor Relations Valentine Brouchot Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 71 94 94 | Alize RP Press Relations Caroline Carmagnol Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 54 36 64 |
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